Bartonella tribocorum CIP 105476

Names Bartonella tribocorum CIP 105476
Accession numbers NC_010160, NC_010161
Background Bartonella sp. are alphaproteobacteria known to be involved in mammalian diseases of varying gravity, including cat scratch fever, endocarditis and bartonellosis. They are transmitted by insect vectors and survive in mammalian reservoir hosts. A variety of Bartonella have been isolated from different mammalian hosts in both Europe and the Americas. They grow facultatively within erythrocytes and vascular epithelial cells.B.tribocorum strain was isolated from a wild rat (R.norvegicus) near the Rhine River in France. It has not yet been observed to be a human pathogen. It is aerobic, has no flagella, but seems to have polar fimbriae, and is catalase, oxidase and urease negative. Comparative analyses of the 4 available (December 2007; B.tribocorum, B.henselae, B.quintana and B.bacilliformis) Bartonella genomes indicates that the presence of 2 type IV secretion systems (virB and trw) which have been acquired by lateral gene transfer since B.tribocorum, B.henselae, and B.quintana separated from B.bacilliformis. As B.bacilliformis is very virulent it is suggested that these type IV secretion system may be involved in virulence attenuation and increased host range (modified from PubMed 9828434 and 18037886). (HAMAP: BART1)
Strain NA
Complete Yes
Sequencing centre (14-DEC-2007) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
(30-MAR-2006) Schuster S.C., Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Center for Comparative Genomics and
Sequencing quality Level 6: Finished
Sequencing depth NA
Sequencing method NA
Isolation site Blood of two wild rats, France
Isolation country France
Number of replicons 2
Gram staining properties Negative
Shape Bacilli
Mobility No
Flagellar presence No
Number of membranes 2
Oxygen requirements Aerobic
Optimal temperature NA
Temperature range Mesophilic
Habitat HostAssociated
Biotic relationship NA
Host name Rat
Cell arrangement NA
Sporulation Nonsporulating
Metabolism NA
Energy source NA
Diseases Bartinellosis
Pathogenicity Probable