Arthrobacter sp. FB24

Names Arthrobacter sp. FB24
Accession numbers NC_008537, NC_008538, NC_008539, NC_008541
Background Arthrobacter species are apparently ubiquitous soil bacteria that have been studied because of their vast metabolic activities and survival in extreme environments. They are aerobic, Gram-positive bacteria with a high GC content and use a range of carbon sources. They are most often recognized morphologically by their jointed-rod to coccus growth cycle. They are classified into the class Actinobacteria, order Actinomycetales, and family Micrococcaceae. Arthrobacter sp. (strain FB24) was isolated from chromate and xylene enriched soil microcosms used to ascertain changes in microbial community composition under these stresses. This organism shows an extreme chromium tolerance, is resistant to other metals and radiations and is able to degrade some hydrocarbons. Its genome is made up of one chromosome and 3 plasmids. (EBI Integr8)
Strain FB24
Complete Yes
Sequencing centre (25-OCT-2006) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
(28-AUG-2006) US DOE Joint Genome Institute, 2800 Mitchell Drive B100, Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1698, USA
Sequencing quality Level 6: Finished
Sequencing depth NA
Sequencing method NA
Isolation site Chromate and xylene enriched soil
Isolation country NA
Number of replicons 4
Gram staining properties Positive
Shape Bacilli
Mobility Yes
Flagellar presence No
Number of membranes 1
Oxygen requirements Aerobic
Optimal temperature NA
Temperature range Mesophilic
Habitat Soil
Biotic relationship Free living
Host name NA
Cell arrangement NA
Sporulation Nonsporulating
Metabolism Hydrocarbon degrading
Energy source NA
Diseases None
Pathogenicity No