Gluconobacter oxydans 621H

Names Gluconobacter oxydans 621H
Accession numbers NC_006672, NC_006673, NC_006674, NC_006675, NC_006676, NC_006677
Background Gluconobacter oxydans 621H.Genome sequencing of Gluconobacter oxydans 621H (DSM 2343) has identified a number of membrane-bound dehydrogenases. The glucose/sorbitol dehydrogenase is responsible for the oxidation of D-sorbitol, gluconate and glycerol, producing L-sorbose, 5-ketogluconate and dihydroxyacetone, respectively. Other identified membrane-bound dehydrogenases include the alcohol, glucose, and sorbitol dehydrogenases, which are involved in acetate, gluconate, and D-fructose formation, respectively. In addition to the dehydrogenases with a recognized substrate, 75 putative dehydrogenase/oxidoreductases, 23 of which are thought to be membrane bound, have been identified in the genome sequence. Expression studies of G. oxydans grown on glucose has shown that a number of these uncharacterized oxidoreductases are transcribed and presumably have a role in cellular metabolism.The plasmids in G. oxydans strain 621H are not homologous to plasmids from other G. oxydans strains. Identified genes include those for plasmid replication, a DNA helicase II, a restriction/modification system, a heavy metal resistance system and, on the megaplasmid, genes for DNA transfer via conjugation. (NCBI BioProject: bp_list[1])
Strain 621H
Complete Yes
Sequencing centre (15-JUL-2004) Goettingen Genomics Laboratory, Georg-August-University Goettingen, Grisebachstr. 8, Goettingen
(24-JAN-2005) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
Sequencing quality Level 6: Finished
Sequencing depth NA
Sequencing method NA
Isolation site NA
Isolation country NA
Number of replicons 6
Gram staining properties Negative
Shape Bacilli
Mobility Yes
Flagellar presence No
Number of membranes 2
Oxygen requirements Aerobic
Optimal temperature 25.0
Temperature range Mesophilic
Habitat Multiple
Biotic relationship Free living
Host name NA
Cell arrangement Singles
Sporulation NA
Metabolism NA
Energy source NA
Diseases NA
Pathogenicity No