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Acidiphilium multivorum AIU301

Names Acidiphilium multivorum AIU301
Accession numbers NC_015178, NC_015179, NC_015180, NC_015181, NC_015182, NC_015186, NC_015187, NC_015188, NC_015189
Background Acidiphilium multivorum (strain DSM 11245 / JCM 8867 / AIU301) is an acidophilic, aerobic, anoxygenic, phototrophic, Gram-negative bacterium isolated from pyritic acid mine drainage. A.multivorum has high ability of resistance to various metals under acidic condition, and require high acidity for growth. It exhibits tolerance towards some heavy metal ions like nickel, zinc, cadmium and copper, and resistance to arsenate and arsenite. A. multivorum has zinc-chelated-bacteriochlorophylls (Zn-Bchl) a rather than Mg-Bchl a as the major photopigment. Among the mesoacidophilic bio-mining heterotrophs, A. multivorum has the unique ability to oxidize arsenite to arsenate as well as the capability to utilize a wide range of organic compounds for growth. These features make this bacterium a suitable host for carrying purpose specific genes for developing bioleaching operations. Current trends in biohydrometallurgy emphasize genetic engineering of bio-mining bacteria to achieve further success in this developing area of biotechnology. (Adapted from: and PMID: 17363056). (EBI Integr8)
Strain AIU301
Complete Yes
Sequencing centre (02-MAR-2011) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
(28-DEC-2010) Contact:Director-General Department of Biotechnology National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, NITE
Sequencing quality Level 6: Finished
Sequencing depth NA
Sequencing method Sanger
Isolation site Pyritic acid mine drainage
Isolation country NA
Number of replicons 9
Gram staining properties Negative
Shape Bacilli
Mobility Yes
Flagellar presence No
Number of membranes 2
Oxygen requirements Aerobic
Optimal temperature NA
Temperature range Mesophilic
Habitat Fresh water
Biotic relationship Free living
Host name NA
Cell arrangement NA
Sporulation NA
Metabolism NA
Energy source Chemoorganotroph
Diseases NA
Pathogenicity No